Archive for December 1st, 2010

1 Cor 9-11

I don’t want you to only love half of what God says in the Bible I want you to LOVE every single word. Sooo I after you read today I want you to openly discuss anything that made your right eyebrow to go up.  Deal?  People who have never read the Bible or have only read parts have caused the WORLD to take scriptures out of context rather than reading the whole chapter, (or sometimes just the whole paragraph).  You HAVE TO get all this.  This is not like listening to a President election speech where you can only clap at the parts that you like.  You need to AMEN all of this today.  Ok?

Chapter 9:  Let me break this down real easy: have you ever thought “Ohhh my G. Look at the pastor’s car?  Can you believe the staff all have houses in nice sub-divisions?  I mean c’mon.  If they were really dedicated to the church they would live humbly, not take all the money from he church for their own life, they would give it to the poor.” 

Read Chapter 9.  Why should people who work for the church be any different than the standard of living of the congregation?  Why should they be any less?  WHy don’t we turn the mirror on ourselves and say “I am a christian JUST LIKE THEM, why am I not living in less so I can feed the poor?  Cmon people, if it’s good enough for us…it should be good enough for them.  It is extremely biblical from the beginning of time that those who work as a profession for the Lord should be compensated just like everyone else. (for what they do…they should be making a lot more)

verse 19-23 was a very very personal Word for me.  I am very stubborn and I do not like adhering to the ways of “church” if it does not necessarily line up biblically.  I fight it.  For example, in order to serve in youth ministry I had to commit to certain things.  Did I agree with it?  Not all of it.  But here is the deal, vs 23 “I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings”.  Even though I am not under the “Law” of my denomination, in order for God to spread His Gospel, I had to be more like them, THEN God can use me for His Glory.  What are you letting your “earthly” feelings stop youi from doing for the sake of the Gospel?

Chapter 10.  WOW.   I loves history!  There are actually 2 separate events here and I would LOVE for you to take the extra time maybe later to read both the stories.  One of my Passions is for people to read the Old Testament NOT to understand the New Testament better but to understand GOD better.  Click on the below readings.  Click the bible address for the Bible Reading then click the word blog if you need some help with it to go to the blog post that was on it.

Exodus 32: The Golden Calf Blog

 Numbers 21:4-9:  The Bronze Snake Blog

 Chapter 11.  Public Worship.  If any of this confuses you PLEASE speak up. ALSO, do not just read a few scriptures, read the WHOLE text, Paul clarifies woman’s EQUALITY here.   Here is my 2 minute sermon on the public thing.  You are your husbands wife.  Fact.    When you wear something inappropriate you are dishonoring your husbands AS WELL as the Lord. Fact.   In the context of the time period, just because some ladies chose not to cover their hair (a huge custom), and they were free in Christ not to,  it disrespected their husband.  Modern day example, just because you are free in Christ to wear a tight shirt or jeans too tight….DON”T!  Ya hoochie mamma!  It disrespects your husband and  the Lord.

My last comment today is regarding the last supper.  I found the whole half chapter on it interesting because back then they would “Feast” while taking the last supper and when they did they would eat and drink inappropriately (what does your Christmas holiday look like in retrospect…I am just saying).  But the part that got me was the  Phrase: Man ought to examine himself before he eats the bread and drink of the cup.  I think too often people (or religions) take the Communion TO BE  right with the Lord.  Actually, we are supposed to take it BECAUSE we are right with the Lord (or not at all).  Let me put it to you this way, if you are living in sin and know it…we are NOT to take the Eucharist.  It is a SIN to take it under those circumstances

Where is blog?

SOrry it is so late…It’s coming.  A lot to research today!!!  Give me another 10 mins 🙂